
How to route AES67 streams to a Dante-enabled device from a QSC Core

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How to route AES67 streams to a Dante-enabled device from a QSC Core
How do I route AES67 streams from a QSC Core to a Shure Dante-enabled device? I want to send audio to the AEC Reference In of my MXA920/MXA910/MXA710.

AES67 streams can be routed to a Shure Dante-enabled device with the following instructions.

We highly recommend that you route an AES67 AEC reference back to a Dante device that supports it (such as MXA910 and MXA710) when using AES67 to a third-party DSP. The article How does Autofocus work on the MXA910? explains why.

To create the AES67 stream for a Dante device, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure AES67 is enabled on your Dante device. See Enabling AES67 on Shure Devices for instructions.
  2. Ensure your device is on the latest firmware. Visit Shure's Firmware Update page for instructions.
  3. Ensure your switch is configured correctly. See Configuring a Network Switch for Shure Devices and Dante/AES67 for instructions.
  4. In Q-SYS Designer, create the AES67 Transmitter block within your QSC Core Design. Within the Schematic Design, click the "+" sign under Design Elements > Inventory and select AES67 Transmitter. Once it is added to your Default Location, drag the AES67 TX block into your schematic design.
  5. Click the component, and make the following adjustments:
    • Set the Name to something meaningful for this room.
    • Set the Connection Mode to Auto
    • Set the Channel Count to 1. (if you need more channels for a non-AEC Reference application, the channel count must match the intended number of channels)
  6. Connect the desired audio from within the QSC Core to the AES67 Transmitter block. For the AEC Reference, this will generally be the same audio going to the speakers in the room.
  7. Save to the design to your Core and Run.
  8. In Q-SYS Designer, select File > Load from Core & Connect.
  9. Click on the AES67 Transmitter block to open its view
  10. Rename the stream, if the name entered before did not save properly.
  11. IMPORTANT: We recommend you configure a manual address, for example, on this transmitter block to maintain unique IP addresses when using multiple AES67 Transmitter blocks, and to maintain connectivity of routes in Dante Controller if the QSC Core reboots. Open the block and fill in the last two octets of the IP address. The multicast stream IP address must start with 239. We recommend following the Dante standard of  Document this address once it is set as to not duplicate addresses. 
  12. In Dante Controller, you should now see the AES67 transmitter on the top row in blue with the name of your QSC Core AES67 stream.
  13. Use Dante Controller to route this stream to the Dante device's AEC Reference In using the transmitter to receiver cross points.

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